1. I need help with submitting my APPLICATION. Who can help me?
Among the obligations undertaken by the PARTICIPATING TRADERS, as a condition of their participation in the Scheme, is to be sufficiently informed about the provisions of the Grant Scheme and to inform and guide the interested Applicants appropriately. In addition, PARTICIPATING TRADERS are obliged, where necessary, to provide support to the Applicants for the electronic submission of their APPLICATION.
2. Why are new homes not eligible for grant?
Grant Schemes should be treated as incentives to implement specific investments (which may not have been implemented) and not as allowances. Consequently, investments for which there is a legal obligation to implement cannot be subsidized.
From 2017 it is mandatory, based on legislation, to install RES in new homes and from 2007 to implement energy saving investments (including roof insulation).
Therefore, the Grant Scheme provides that only existing residences are eligible, for which the application for the issuance of the building permit or the town planning permit was submitted:
- for CATEGORIES A1, A2 and A3 before 01.01.2017.
- for CATEGORIES B1 and B2 before 21.12.2007.